Friday, 16 November 2018

Real Life Can Suck Sometimes

Real life, outside of books, book events, authors, book people and other fun stuff, can suck sometimes, don't you agree? Things get in the way - work, responsibilities, adulting, health. It sucks.

You may have noticed the blog has been a bit quieter over the last wee while. Unfortunately, I'm struggling with a health thing just now - nothing serious (I hope!) but quite impactful. So until it is resolved, or at least is more manageable, I won't be blogging much. Really hoping things will be sorted before the end of the year.

I will be fulfilling all blog tour and other reviewing commitments, starting tomorrow with my stop on the tour for Secrets Between Us by Valerie Keogh. But I might not be posting much else for a while.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible - thanks for hanging in there!


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